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Soulful Sundays Edition 2: Creative Expression
Soulful Sundays Edition 2
This week, we’ve pulled the card Creative Expression, which invites us to reconnect with our creative energy and explore new forms of expression. Creativity is an integral part of our soul's expression, and cacao is a wonderful ally in opening the heart, calming the mind, and enhancing creative flow.

Attuning to the Week Ahead with Cacao

Welcome to edition 2 of Soulful Sundays. Our hope is that through making space for rituals and practices in our daily lives, we can better connect with ourselves and attune to the subtle energies of the universe. In doing so, we enhance and support mindfulness, grounding, presence, and clarity.

Each week, we drink cacao and pull a card from our featured oracle deck, currently The Light Code Apothecary. This practice encourages us to explore the deeper layers of ourselves, bringing insight and connection to our inner and outer worlds. If you want to learn more about what Soulful Sundays is about, read our first edition here.

This week, we’ve pulled the card Creative Expression, which invites us to reconnect with our creative energy and explore new forms of expression. Creativity is an integral part of our soul’s expression, and cacao is a wonderful ally in opening the heart, calming the mind, and enhancing creative flow.

The Power of Cacao for Creativity

Cacao, revered as the “food of the gods,” has long been used in sacred rituals to open the heart and increase focus, presence, and connection. When used mindfully, cacao can deepen your creative practices by supporting a state of flow. Its natural compounds promote increased blood flow to the brain and heart, fostering heightened clarity, improved mood, and an openness to inspiration. Drinking cacao as part of your creative ritual can help you ground into your body, relax your mind, and unlock new avenues of expression with ease.


Creativity Practices to Try This Week

  1. Follow Your Curiosity: Begin by exploring a creative outlet you’ve always felt drawn to—whether it’s painting, writing, dancing, or something else. Set aside time this week to focus on this. Approach it with curiosity, letting go of any expectations or judgments. Play, experiment, and enjoy the process rather than focusing on the result.”

  2. Create a Sacred Space: Set the mood for your creative session by preparing a space that feels nurturing and supportive. Light a candle, burn incense, and set an intention for your creative time. As you drink your cacao, allow the warmth to settle in your body, opening your heart and quieting the analytical mind. Invite your higher self or any guiding energies to assist you in this flow of creativity.

  3. Dance with the Divine: Creativity is about surrendering to the flow. Let go of the need for control and allow yourself to be moved by the energy around you. Dance, move, or stretch in ways that feel natural and freeing. This helps to release tension and invites new creative ideas to flow.

  4. Explore New Avenues: If you’re already skilled in one art form, try something new! Perhaps there’s a creative hobby you’ve always wanted to explore but haven’t given it time. This week, give yourself permission to try something completely different and be open to how it may enhance your current creative journey.


Daily Somatic Breathwork Practice for Creative Flow

Breath is a powerful tool for shifting out of your head and into your body, where creativity thrives. Try this simple breathwork practice daily to unlock your creative flow:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Sit comfortably, or stand if that feels better for movement. Begin by taking a few deep breaths, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest.

  2. Breath and Movement: Inhale deeply through your nose, and as you exhale through your mouth, start to move your body in a way that feels good—whether it’s a sway, stretch, or any free-form movement. Let your breath guide your movements.

  3. Vocal Expression: On the next exhale, allow sound to come through—whether it’s a hum, tone, or even a sigh. Don’t force it; let your voice express whatever feels natural. Continue to breathe, move, and make sound for a few minutes, allowing your body and voice to flow freely.

  4. Grounding: To close, take a few moments to come back to stillness. Place your hands over your heart and feel the energy you’ve created. Take a moment to express gratitude for your creative potential and let any new ideas or inspiration emerge.

Let this practice help you embody your creativity and bring you into a flow state where your unique expression can flourish. Each day this week, let your breath, body, and heart guide your creative journey.


Reflection Questions for the Week

As you move through this week, take some time to reflect on these questions to deepen your connection with your creativity and the energy of Creative Expression:

  1. What creative pursuits have been calling to me that I’ve been postponing?
  2. Where do I feel the most resistance when it comes to expressing myself creatively? How can I soften into that resistance?
  3. How can I incorporate creativity into my daily life, even in small ways?
  4. What would my life look like if I allowed more space for play and curiosity?
  5. How does my body respond to creativity? Do I feel energized, relaxed, or something else entirely?
  6. How can I use my creativity to enhance other areas of my life, such as relationships, work, or personal growth?

These questions are designed to help you identify where you might be holding back and how you can lean into your creative flow with more intention and ease.


Tips for Leaning Into Creative Energy This Week

  • Start Small: You don’t need to overhaul your life to embrace creativity. Start by adding just 10-15 minutes a day for creative exploration. Whether it’s doodling, journaling, or moving to music, this small commitment can help build momentum.

  • Set an Intention: Each time you begin a creative practice, set a simple intention like “I open myself to curiosity” or “I embrace the joy of creation.” This helps shift your mindset away from perfectionism and into exploration.

  • Make It Fun: Creativity thrives on joy and play. Remove any pressure to produce something perfect, and instead focus on the enjoyment of the process. Try new tools or mediums, and let yourself be surprised by the outcome.

  • Use Cacao to Enhance Focus: Before starting your creative session, enjoy a cup of ceremonial cacao. It can help ground your energy, relax the nervous system, and open your heart, allowing inspiration to flow more freely.

  • Break It Up: If you feel creatively stuck, take a break and move your body. A short walk, stretch, or breathwork session can help reset your energy and bring fresh ideas.


Bringing It All Together

This week, I encourage you to make creativity a central part of your daily practice. Start each day with the somatic breathwork exercise to ground yourself and get out of your head, and set aside time to try one of the creative practices outlined above. You don’t have to devote hours—just 10-20 minutes a day can make a big difference. Let your creativity be a playful outlet, a way to express yourself without judgment, and a means to connect with the Divine.

By combining cacao, breathwork, and creative exploration, you open the door to more inspiration, clarity, and joy. As you continue this journey, remember that creativity is not about the outcome but about the process and the energy it brings into your life. Dive in, experiment, and most importantly, have fun!

Let’s embrace the energy of Creative Expression together, and don’t forget to share your reflections and experiences with our community throughout the week! Your creativity is waiting to unfold—give it the space and freedom to blossom.



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