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Soulful Sundays Edition 7: Protective Bubble
This week, we focus on creating a “Protective Bubble” to support our energetic boundaries and help us move gracefully through life’s challenges.

Attuning to the Week Ahead with Cacao

Soulful Sundays is a space dedicated to reconnecting with ourselves through ritual, reflection, and mindfulness practices. Each week, we explore a different theme, offering a guide to help us anchor into deeper self-awareness and inner peace.

Rituals allow us to create sacred moments in our everyday lives, bringing intention and presence into our actions. Through ritual, we strengthen our connection to ourselves and the universe, creating a rhythm that nourishes our spirit and aligns us with our highest path.

Theme of the Week: Protective Bubble

This week, we focus on creating a “Protective Bubble” to support our energetic boundaries and help us move gracefully through life’s challenges.

The Daily Rituals

Each day includes a mindfulness practice, somatic/embodiment practice, and journaling reflection. Cacao can be incorporated to deepen your connection with the day’s focus.

Monday: Ground in Your Bubble

Daily Mindfulness Practice:
Sit comfortably with a cup of cacao, visualising the “Bubble of Light” around you. Feel its gentle, rose-pink glow expanding from your heart. As you breathe, imagine any heaviness or dis-ease leaving your body, making space for love and protection.

Reflection Questions:

  • What emotions or energies do I need to release?
  • What colour feels most nourishing for my protective bubble today?

Journal Prompt:
Write about a time when you needed extra protection. How can this practice support you in similar moments going forward?


Tuesday: Strengthen Your Boundaries

Daily Mindfulness Practice:
Before starting your day, visualise your protective bubble again. Imagine it shimmering and semi-permeable—allowing love in but keeping negative energies out. Carry this bubble with you into every interaction.

Somatic Practice:
Stand in front of a mirror and, with your hands, trace the outline of your bubble around your body. Feel the strength and flexibility of this boundary.

Reflection Questions:

  • How do I feel when I consciously set energetic boundaries?
  • Who or what do I need protection from today?

Journal Prompt:
Write down three scenarios where this protective bubble will benefit you today.


Wednesday: Love and Compassion Only

Daily Mindfulness Practice:
Today, focus on the essence of love within your bubble. As you sip your cacao, feel the warmth and compassion filling the space within your bubble. Send loving energy to any areas of tension or discomfort in your body.

Breathwork Practice:
Practice slow, deep breathing for 5 minutes, imagining each breath expands your bubble, filling it with more love and compassion.

Reflection Questions:

  • What parts of myself need extra compassion today?
  • How does focusing on love shift the energy around me?

Journal Prompt:
How do I feel when my bubble is filled with love and compassion? How can I continue to hold this space in challenging situations?


Thursday: Energetic Cleanse

Daily Mindfulness Practice:
With your cacao in hand, visualise the bubble of light pushing any dense, unhelpful energies out of your system, like a coffee press. Picture this energy being returned to the earth to be transformed.

Somatic Practice:
Gently shake your body to release any stagnant energy that may still be lingering in your field. As you move, visualise it leaving your bubble.

Reflection Questions:

  • What energy have I been carrying that no longer serves me?
  • How does releasing this energy change how I feel in my body?

Journal Prompt:
Reflect on the sensation of letting go. What does the process of energetic cleansing look like for you?


Friday: Hold Your Light

Daily Mindfulness Practice:
Focus on the light within your bubble, knowing that it can make you less visible without you having to dim your light. Sit with this idea while drinking your cacao. Feel the power of your bubble reflecting any energy not aligned with love.

Reflection Questions:

  • How does it feel to protect myself while keeping my light strong?
  • Where in my life am I dimming my light unnecessarily?

Journal Prompt:
Explore how it feels to maintain your brightness while still protecting yourself. How can this balance support you moving forward?


Saturday: Reflect and Replenish

Daily Mindfulness Practice:
Take time today to simply sit in your bubble and rest. Drink your cacao, allowing the warmth to fill you, and focus on replenishing your energy.

Reflection Questions:

  • Where in my life do I need more rest?
  • How does it feel to just be in my bubble, without having to do anything?

Journal Prompt:
How does creating space for rest within your protective bubble help you in your daily life?


Sunday: Integrate and Expand

Daily Mindfulness Practice:
As the week comes to an end, take one last moment with your cacao to connect with your protective bubble. Visualise it expanding outwards, sending love to those around you.

Somatic Practice:
Go for a mindful walk, carrying the awareness of your protective bubble with you. Notice how it feels to be in your bubble while moving through different spaces.

Reflection Questions:

  • How has this week’s practice of creating a protective bubble affected my interactions?
  • How can I continue to integrate this visualisation into my daily routine?

Journal Prompt:
Reflect on your experience of the week. What did you learn about protection and boundaries? How can you carry this practice with you into future challenges?


Bringing It All Together

As we close this week’s Soulful Sundays, take a moment to reflect on the protection, love, and balance you’ve cultivated throughout the week. The protective bubble is a tool you can carry with you in all situations, allowing you to set boundaries while keeping your light strong and intact.

Whether it’s protecting your energy, strengthening your boundaries, or simply holding space for compassion and love, this practice is one of empowerment.

Continue to integrate this into your daily life, knowing you have the ability to shield yourself while nurturing the love that flows within and around you. Your ritual awaits.


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